we met well early

i can still get on for a child

clark skanked mme n callum for a seat so we sat in the door way

i dont even like tea i only drank it because it was free



it was wet when we got there so south bank first

we met phil kieran and talman

sizing up

me and phil saw dic and dom on the screen but my zoom has broke so the pic is crap

westminster sesh went down

oh Talman

night rider is shit in the day to many tourists

st pauls

"ill stand on the grass but im not dunking my head"

london bridge 7

we left kieran talman and phil to go to clarks dads to have a wash n drop are bags off

we watched south park

callum had arranged for us to meet some people

first we met kieren and meg to go to the heath

it was horrible and wet

this light is well blueprint

nearly all the people there where twats cept this guy he was well sound but his hand was fucked

callum wasnt impressed so we decided to go back to clarks dads

callums pj's kill it
Day 2


the next day we got something to eat and wen cantalowes

we ate are food at the park

after cantalowes we went euston we all got tricks into it

we treated arselves to krispykream dounuts

me and callum went camden to get winter hats we pure bargin'd with the guy

we went westminster but some fat family sat in are way

callum had unfinished buisness at london bridge

we went back to westminster so clark could get his tricks

this is just to anoy paige

clarks dad took us to pizza express cheers "stevie baby"

train home callum was sick

so glad to be going home
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